少儿英语培训网站,瘦肉精 lean meat powder

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少儿英语培训网站,瘦肉精 lean meat powder

为了少吃油腻,不少人在买肉的时候都会选择瘦肉而不选肥肉。近日记者在江苏南京市场上发现,有一种所谓的 瘦肉型猪肉非常受欢迎,和普通的猪肉相比,这种猪肉几乎没有什么肥肉。生猪行业的业内人士把这种瘦肉猪戏称为健美猪。记者在调查中发现,这种所谓的健美猪其实是因为在养殖的时候,吃了掺有瘦肉精的特殊饲料。

The Ministry of Agriculture dispatched an inspection group on Tuesday to look into the illegal use of clenbuterol, which is better known as "lean meat powder" in China. The powder is added to pig feed to lower the fat content.


在上面的报道中,lean meat powder就是瘦肉精。把瘦肉精添加到pig feed(猪饲料)中,可以speed up muscle building(加速肌肉生长)fat burning(脂肪燃烧),这样就能增加猪的瘦肉量,吃了这种饲料的猪被戏称为lean-meat pig(健美猪)。但是含瘦肉精的肉却会对人体产生危害,导致dizziness(头晕)、cardiopalmus(心悸),甚至诱发malignant tumor(恶性肿瘤)。

近几年曝光了不少涉及food safety食品安全)的案件,影响比较恶劣的有前两年的三鹿奶粉事件,在不少国内品牌的baby formula(婴幼儿配方)奶粉和liquid milk(液态奶)中检出melamine(三聚氰胺)。去年又爆出了swill-cooked dirty oil(地沟油)案件。

The Little Mermaid is sitting

on a rock.What is the lovely girl thinking about? Many people visit her every day.


They all take pictures with her.

知道她每天要跟游人拍多少合影吗?5万多张! The Little Mermaid was the Sea King's daughter.

She was half girl, half fish.One day, she saved a prince and fell in love with him.美人鱼和王子结婚了吗?

她最后牺牲了自己,化成了海洋中的泡沫。 如果你是美人鱼,你会怎么办呢?

Who is talking with the duckling?他就是大名鼎鼎的安徒生啊!Children love his stories very much.你记得安徒生的哪些童话呢?"The Little Match Girl", "The Ugly Duckling"And, the Little Mermaid.

