【#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《《战后日本社会》课程教学大纲》,欢迎阅读!
课程基本信息(Course Information)
课程代码 (Course Code) *课程名称 (Course Name) 课程性质 (Course Type) 授课对象
(Target Audience) 授课语言
(Language of Instruction)
*开课院系 (School) 先修课程 (Prerequisite)
*学时 (Credit Hours)
*学分 (Credits)
SO077 32 2
(英文)Postwar Society in Japan 公共选修课 全校学生 中文
人文学院历史系 无
教学目标:通过本课程的教学首先使学生能加深对日本社会的理解,特别是能对战后日本社会发展进程中的经验和教训有全面的认识。其次,使学生能对日本社会的各个层面进行多角度的理论性评述。 This lecture will explore and analyze various aspects of postwar society of Japan, including politics, economy, science and technology, industry, culture, social structure, environment protection, disaster prevention, civil life, religions, social welfare, history recognition and relationship with China. The lecture will be conducted from the perspectives of sociology, historical
science and folklore studies based on recent literature from China and Japan. During the lecture, facilitating materials such as literature, oral documents, pictures and videos will be used in order to integrate theoretical discussion and case studies. The class will be delivered in ways such as seminars, group discussions and question and answer sections aiming to better integrate students into the class activities and have a good understanding and thorough discussion about postwar Japanese society. The aims of this lecture are two-folds. The first is to deepen students’ understanding on Japanese society, in particular the experiences and lessons learned through social development in postwar Japan. The second is to enable students to apply theories from multiple perspectives in discussions on various aspects of the Japanese society.
课程教学大纲(Course Syllabus)
*学习目标(Learning Outcomes)
教学内容 战后日本社会概论 美国统治及社会改革 经济高速增长及其原因 经济增长与农村社会
学时 2 2 2 2 2 2
教学方式 讲解 讲解、讨论 讲解 讲解、短片讨论 讲解 讲解、时事漫画阅读 讨论
作业及要求 复习 阅读资料 复习 阅读资料 复习 复习
基本要求 参与互动 参与讨论 参与互动 参与讨论 参与互动 参与互动
考查方式 课堂提问 课堂提问 课堂提问 课堂提问 课堂提问 课堂提问
*教学内容 进度安排及要求 (Class Schedule & Requirements)
经济增长与都市社会 战后日本企业制度 讨论:经济增长与民众生活变迁 东京奥运会及大阪世博会
环境问题与日本社会 动漫产业与日本社会
2 复习 参与讨论 随堂讨论
2 讲解
容 复习 复习
参与互动 课堂提问
2 2
学生发表 讲解、短片欣赏
参与互动 参与互动
发表 课堂提问