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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《英语毕业论文致谢范本》,欢迎阅读!


学生论文致谢写作时存在的问题主要表现在以下三个方面。 1.对象不明。例如:

i am grateful tomy parents without their support i cannotfinish my thesis. i am also thankful to all my classmates andteachers without their encouragement i cannotgetdown towriing the thesis. and finally iwant to thank the foreign languagesdepartmentofxxx university forprovidingme a computer to typeand print outmy thesis.

从对象分析,该致谢儘管提到了父母、同学和老师,但排名先后顺序不当,而对导师(supervisor)的指导却只字不提。 看来,学生还不清楚致谢的主要对象应该是谁。 2.文体混乱。例如:

itwas really a laborious task to accomplishmy thesis. manypeople gaveme support and help in the process ofwriting the paer. id like first to givemy gratitude tomy dear teacher pro.fxxx who generously gaveme her kind help and instructions durng thewhole process ofmy paper-writing. then id like to givemymany thanks tomy classmateswho helpedme a lotwithmy inormation collecting and paper-polishing. 从文体上分析,此致谢混用了正式文体和非正式文体。

laborious gratitude属正式文体语言,短语a lot和缩合词id属非正式文体语言。另外在此用dear teacher来表示导师也不当或欠妥。可见学生尚未掌握致谢写作的文体。 3.内容牵强。例如:

iwould like to thankmy supervisor mrs. xxx who helpedme draw an outline of the thesis and correctmy mistakes in thethesis. also iwant to thank allmy teachers. i learned a lot fromthem notonly the knowledge butalso theworking attitude. morever i thankmy classmates aswel.l

during the studywe becamegood friends and spenthappy time. and finally i am grateful tomy parents without their support i cannotaccomplishmy study.

从内容来看,本致谢除第一句外,其他句子都与撰写论文无关,这表明学生不知道致谢内容实质是什幺。 二、解决对策

在对以上所存在问题的分析过程中,笔者对论文致谢的写作也进行了一些研究。英语科研论文写作概要》一书中这样指出:in western academic circles there are strict conentions aboutwhat should be put in such an acknowledgementand theway in which it should be written.[1]由此可见,致谢写作是有一定规定的,因循惯例是关键,也是解决致谢写作问题的对策。体对策有以下三点: 1.明确致谢的对象

英语科研论文写作概要》一书中还指出:generallyspeaking thanks are rendered only to those who have helped thewriter academically.[2]。具体说来,致谢的对象是在研究过程以及在论文的写作过程中、对作者的研究和成文起了一定的指导、帮助、支持和鼓励作用的人员。[3]由此看来,英语专业学士学位论文致谢的对象应主要是对论文进行指导的导师,同时包括对论文提出过建议或意见的教师、同学和朋友,以及对论文写作提供具体帮助的机构和关心论文的作者家人等。 2.採用致谢写作的文体

毕业论文或学士论文是一种研究性论文( research paer)。它的语气、格调和格式不同于非正式文体毕业论文是一种正规作文,必须遵循正规作文的规范。[4]英语毕业论文属研究性论文,在写作上理应採用正式文体,致谢的文体也在其中,包括宜用学术性辞彙、採用单个动词、使用单词的全拼形式、多用平行句子。例如:i also extend my sincere gratitude to professorxxx for hisconstant support throughoutmywork on this thesis and forhis inormed guidance and advice.

本句中使用的学术性辞彙有extend sincere gratitudeinformed


i am most grateful to my supervisor professor xxx withoutwhose support and patience this thesiswould not have been comleted.1

