
2022-09-06 16:35:33   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《ABC基础英语对话:婚礼、蜜月、离婚-aabc》,欢迎阅读!


brian: if you could be any animal, what would you choose? dario: do you mean what is my favorite animal?

brian: no. if you could live as an animal, which one would you choose? dario: i would be a fish because i love to swim. brian: i would be a horse.

dario: why would you choose to be a horse?

brian: so i could go in races and win buckets of money.

dario: but you would be a horse - how would you be able to enjoy or spend the money you won?

brian: hmmm. i hadn’t thought of that. dario: back to the drawing board brian. 布莱恩:如果你可以变成任何动物,你会选择什么? 达里奥:你是说我最喜欢的动物是什么吗?

布莱恩:不是。如果你可以像一种动物那么生活,你会选择哪一种? 达里奥:我要做一条鱼儿,因为我喜欢游泳。 布莱恩:我要做一匹马儿。 达里奥:为什么你选择做马?


达里奥:可是你是马儿-你怎么能享受或者花掉你赢来的钱呢? 布莱恩:唔,我没有想过这个。 达里奥:再想想,布莱恩。 new words 新单词

1) birthday suit: a slag way of saying nude, without any clothing 裸体:什么都不穿的俚语

we are all born in our birthday suits, but we get in big trouble if we don’t wear clothes afterwards.

我们刚出生的时候都裸体,不过自那以后如果我们不穿衣服就会惹大麻烦。 2) standout: be noticed among a crowd of people



her new style made her standout, but most people were just laughing at her.

她的新风格使她鹤立鸡群,不过大多数人只是笑话她。 3) arrested: stopped and held by the police 逮捕,拘留:被警察截住并扣留

if you drink alcohol and then drive your car, the police will stop and arrest you.

如果你酒后驾车,警察就会把你截住并逮捕你。 dialogue-对话:

jessie: what is the best music to play at a party?

tina: music that is fast and has words that everyone can sing along with.

jessie: what about slow romantic songs?

tina: i think they are great for dates and weddings, but it’s not what you want at a party.

jessie: can you come to the music bar with me and help me choose some cds for the party tonight?

tina: only if you give me an invitation to the party. jessie: of course you are invited. you will be the dj! tina: that’s more like working - not partying! 杰西:派对上放什么音乐最好?

蒂娜:节奏快,而且有每个人都可以跟唱的歌词的音乐 杰西:缓慢浪漫的歌曲怎么样?

蒂娜:它们用在约会和婚礼上很棒,不过这不是你想用在派对上的东西。 杰西:你能和我一起去音乐吧,帮我为今晚的派对挑选些cd吗? 蒂娜:你要邀请我参加派对才行。 杰西:当然邀请你参加了。你要做dj 蒂娜:这更像是工作-不是派对!


