英语口语:每日谜语第56期 英语谜语 (十七)

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英语口语:每日谜语第56 英语谜语 (十七)


Without a bridle, or a saddle, Across a thing I ride a-straddle. And those 1 ride, by help of me, Though almost blind, are made to see. 162

I open wide and tight I shut, Sharp am I and paper cut Fingers too, so do take care, I'm good and bad, so best beware. 163

What has black spots and a white face, Is fat not thin, and helps you to win, But tumbles all over the place? 164

I have no voice and yet I speak to you, I tell of all things in the world that people do; I have leaves, but I am not a tree,

I have pages, but I am not a bride or royalty;

I have a spine and hinges, but I am not a man or a door, I have told you all, I cannot tell you more 165

There is a thing that nothing is, And yet it has a name; It's sometimes tall And sometimes short, It tumbles if we fall. It joins our sport, And plays at every game.


More eyes have I than I do need for sight, A cry have I that is both sharp and clear, A tail have I more fit for show than flight, Admired am I wherever I appear, 167

I move silently without wings, Between silvery, silken strings And there stretched in the grass You'll see my web as you pass. What is full of holes and holds water; 169

High in the sky I can see with my eye White horses are grazing. Isn't that amazing? 170

What flares up And does a lot of good, And when it dies, It's just a piece of wood?

61. spectacles 62. scissors 63. dice 64. book 65. shadow

66. peacock 67. spider 68. sponge 69. clouds 70. match

71. four wheels

原文来自 必克英语http://bbs.spiiker.com/topic-4939.html

