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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《不同语速对听力正常者和听障者言语辨别率的影响》,欢迎阅读!


【期刊名称】《中国卫生标准管理 【年(),期】2015(6)30

【摘 要】ObjectiveTo do research on the impact of variable speech rates on word recognition score of people with normal hearing and hearing impairment. Methods30 cases of patients with mild to moderate sensorineural hearing loss were selected as the observation group. 30 cases of patients with normal hearing from the volunteers were randomly selected as the control group. Both groups were tested by the CD of different speech rate,which were recorded by themselves. Changes of variable speech rates and word recognition score of the two groups were compared.Results The normal speed of speech discrimination of the control group was 82.53%,and 1.5 times of the normal speed was 74.66%,2.0 times of the normal speed was 73.22%. In the observation group,the normal speed of speech discrimination was at 74.35%,1.5 times of the normal speed of 66.73%,2.0 times of the normal speed was 50.18%. The compararance of the two groups were significantly

different(P<0.05).Conclusion From normal speed to 2.0 times normal speed of patients with hearing impairment,their speech discrimination rate was lower than those with normal hearing. It shows that sensorineural hearing loss and speech rate are related to the rate of speech

discrimination.%目的:研究不同语速对听力正常者和听障者言语辨别率的影响。方法选择30例轻到中度感音神经性听力下降者作为观察组,在志愿者中随机抽取30例听力正常者作为对照组。两组均用自行录制的不同语速CD进行测试,比较两组在语速变化情况下言语辨别率的变化。结果正常语速时对照组的言语辨别率为82.53%1.5倍正常语速时为74.66%2.0倍正常语速时为73.22%;观察组在正常语速时的言语辨别率为74.35%1.5倍正常语速时为66.73%2.0倍正常语速时为50.18%,两组相比差异具有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论从正常语速到2.0倍正常语速时听障者的言语辨别率较听力正常者低,表明感音神经性听力下降者言语辨别率与语速有关。 【总页数】2(P50-51) 【作 者】刘亚南

【作者单位】471000 洛阳市中心医院耳鼻喉科 【正文语种】 【中图分类】R764 【相关文献】

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